Monday, October 31, 2016


Welcome back! 

This week I am going to dip a little deeper into emotions and talk about fear. 
At one point in time we have all been scared of something. No matter what it is that is frightening you, it causes great distress. Normally there is a reason behind feeling scared. For example, if you are scared of dogs, it is probably because at some point in your life you had a bad experience with a dog. As children, we have not developed a list of these fears from experience yet. We are born with two built in fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noise, but young children also have not formed impressions of the world yet. As we grow older, our experiences good and bad cause us to form fears of things we know will put us in an uncomfortable situation. Anything you learn, you can unlearn. Through meditation and hard thinking one can rid themselves of fears if they go to the source of the problem.

Check out this link for more info on fear and overcoming it!

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