Saturday, October 22, 2016


Today I am going to be talking about depression, and ways to deal with it without it taking over your life. Depression is not something you can just snap out of, but there are ways to help yourself feel better. Depression can drain a person of energy making it hard to want to get better or take the steps to get better. It is not an easy process, but it is not impossible. I myself have dealt with depression, but after years of self-help and therapy I am starting to feel like myself again. It is a one step at a time process and will not happen overnight. 

Even just taking a quick walk around the neighborhood or calling a friend and talking for a few minutes can help more than you may think. Be patient with yourself and give yourself the amount of time you feel you need to complete these steps. Also whenever you do complete something you did not feel like doing, allow yourself to celebrate. Whenever I researched more on this topic on, i found the first five steps to overcoming depression.

Step one is to stay connected. Try and maintain as many friendships or relationships that you can even if you feel like they do not want to be around you because of your depression. A lot of people struggle with this mental illness and can be more understanding because of it. The second step is to get moving. Exercise can help your overall attitude by releasing endorphin's which have been proving to increase one's mood. The third step is to do things that make you feel good. Find a hobby and build on it. Staying busy will help in not having time to overthink your situation. Step four is to eat healthy and have a mood-boosting diet. What you eat has a large influence on your overall well-being. The last step is to challenge negative thinking by replacing it with positive thoughts. I hope this helps anyone struggling with depression or just gives those who are not more knowledge! 
Check out this link for more information:

1 comment:

  1. Depression is hard, because you feel like no one will understand what you're going through and that you don't want to bother them with your problems.
