Your emotions are critical to your ability to adapt to the challenges you face in your everyday life. If you do not understand what you are feeling, it may be hard to understand why you are feeling that way or what caused you to feel that emotion. Everyone feels emotions in slightly different ways. John D. Jack Mayer says that, "emotions operate on many levels. They have a physical aspect as well as a psychological aspect. Emotions bridge thought, feeling, and action- they operate in every part of a person, they affect many aspects of a person, and the person effects many aspects of the emotions."
Although not understanding your emotions completely is common, it can lead to misunderstandings in the future with relationships and your overall well being as a person. Emotions are less processed and more raw than our thoughts, and are not as easy to control. Feelings are very complex and the process of understanding how you feel and why is complicated. Sometimes certain emotions are just masking another emotion you may be feeling. For example, it is common to feel angry whenever one is feeling distraught or depressed. Throughout the rest of this blog I will be explaining in more detail on how to better understand your emotions and what to do with those emotions in order to get the best out of your relationships and yourself.
For more information on emotions check out this webpage:
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